Yep, the title in fact is true. It all started out when I came home from a typical school and my mom and sister where up stairs wrapping Christmas presents. When they heard me come in the door they came down stairs. The first thing my mom said was, "we have bad news for you". Suddenly my older sister started crying. I was shocked. Finally my sister said, "shes dead". (our cat) Tears filled my eyes too and she hugged me. the whole family cried when it first happened. This cat was special to us. we had her since I was born. Then mom told me some good news. We could go some time in the spring and pick out a kitten (we think its going to be white.) We were still sad but a very small smile appeared on my face at that moment. at least we still have one cat. So here's how she died: when they were closing the garage door, our cat quickly ran in, but since she has gotten fatter, she got stuck there and the pressure was to much for her. My mom didn't realize that she was dead until she came back outside to see her. My mom said she didn't feel pain, because it happened so fast. She didn't meow or anything. so that's the story.
That's so sad, I'm sorry :'( I hope you get your new kitten soon!