

10 Tips for a More Successful Blog

Hello lovelies!
I'm sure there's a lot of bloggers out  there that want more blog traffic, and a more interesting successful blog! (I know I do!) I believe that all of you ,wonderful followers,  are capable of having a much bigger blog population! [and I know for a fact that you deserve it!!!] so I put together a few blog tips that I think will give you a clue on how to do this.

Disclaimer: This is my opinion on how to get more blog traffic. You may have a different opinion.

  1. Pictures can really make a post more interesting! You know what they say!: a picture says a thousand words! I love to look at blogs with original photography, but if your not interested in photography, you can easily find pics that match your topic on sites like, We Heart it, Photobucket, or maybe just classic Google images! (but make sure to give credit, if the pic isn't yours!:)    
  2. Post about interesting topics.  Make sure that your posts are about something that you or someone      else would enjoy reading. If your completely brain dead, DON'T POST! I believe that if you don't have anything good to say, just don't waste your typing!  I would honestly much rather follow a blog with 5 really interesting posts, rather than a blog with 10 random, rather trivial posts. 
  3. Use proper grammar! Trust me, better grammar makes a big difference! Make sure not to have incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or any other grammar errors. ( this includes text-talk)
  4. Think simple. If  you have crazy backgrounds,  crazy fonts, crazy gadgets, etc. chances are that they will catch people's eyes, and they will be to distracted to read your posts, plus, too much of that will just clutter up your blog! :( notice I stay simple with a white background (but this doesn't mean that colorful backgrounds or blog decorations are a bad thing, just don't go overboard.)
  5. Focus on a main topic or two.  If your blog is about cooking, scrap-booking, photography, how-to's, etc, all mixed in, some people who like ......say......... photography and cooking, may not like the rest of your topics, but if you have just one, or maybe 2 topics, your followers will expect to always get the scoop on what THEY like :) [ My blog's theme is basically fashion and photography ]
  6. Do some research! By researching other blogs with interests in common with you,  you may get inspired! (*wanna here a secret? Click here to find the blog that inspired me to make Crescendo*) also, a lot of blogs post THERE tips on how to get more blog traffic (just in case you want another point of view :) 
  7. Stay strong. Have you ever seen a blogger who starts flipping out because no one follows them? or no one comments on a post? or maybe just if they lose a few followers, they post dramatic post about how everyone hates them and there shutting  their blog down? no? well I have. you see, without   failure,  there would be no pride in success. No one ever said life was easy, and to get what you want, just keep trying! another little secret is that I have been on blogger for 6 years (believe it or not) and when i started off blogging, i never could get followers. I learned what I was doing wrong, and fixed it. 
  8.   keep a journal. I have a "Crescendo journal" were whenever an Idea pops in my head, i either draw it out, or just jot it down. Never know when you might get a great blog idea, but also, never know when you might lose that idea!
  9. Consider making a vlog! enough said.
  10. Sponsor me, or another blogger. Right now, You can get a free advertisement from me, until I start charging on March 24 2012.  Just email me an or for more info!

Hope this helped :)

From we heart it 


  1. This is a really helpful post, thank you! :) xx

  2. This was really helpful! Oh, and I thought you might want to know that where you share what blog inspired you to start your own, the link is just
    That just may be that something is wrong with MY computer, but whenever I click on it, it takes me to my dashboard. You might wanna fix that ;)
    Anyway, great post! Love ya!
    --Sara Beth

  3. This is really helpful (I know the others have both said that...) Number 7 really helps me not to despair! :D The other comments are just super useful, I'll keep them all in mind. I love your blog design, by the way, this font is awesome :) x


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